Whether you’d like a cellar, prepper space, a ‘man cave’ or just an addition onto your home, shipping containers are quite a good start for above or below the ground shelters or rooms.
The first video gives some good detailed instructions for building an underground shelter. The second gives great ideas to create a hidden passage into an addition room in your home using shipping containers.
make sure you cover them with glass panes so they cannot see into them with thermal imaging.. =)
Ck you tube for shipping containers underground. They r not made for side pressure which the surrounding soil exerts
good to know I was considering something like this, does that include the boat shiping containers
CharlieAnn Green look it up on the Internet or you tube
You’ll get a lot of info
Good tornado shelter. I don’t want to hide when the $#%&!@* hits the fan but mother nature is a bitch.
For me, at first glance and in lieu of what’s happening and where things are going, this seems like a good idea. However, the Holy Spirit keeps bringing me back to the Scripture…”Don’t fear those, who alone can kill the body, rather fear the One who can after killing your body can throw you into hell”. And, for the believer in Christ, death is a blessing, as it sends us immediately into the Presence of our Matchless Lord!
If you want a good in ground shelter I would look for those 10 ft tall tin horns. They are made for outside pressure.
Joianne Branson Madrid
Brad Andrew