Recent years have seen a rise in companies becoming politically active in times of public outrage, driven by events like the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage, the Confederate Flag debate, and in more recent days, the death of Cecil the Lion. It goes to show that there’s no shortage of corporate involvement in today’s most heated issues. In the wake of Cecil’s death, several popular airlines are taking a stand by refusing to ship parcels containing big-game hunting trophies. While the United States Parcel Service isn’t going to bend to public opinion, Delta Airlines, American Airlines, and Air Canada (who doesn’t actually have flights to Africa) have taken their refusal to social media to let the world know where they stand.
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UPS anything for a buck
Next don’t send your planes then
Cecil isn’t dead, he was a
We have all this drama over a African lion to take the press of the lying African in the white house.
Yes it was wrong to shoot the lion, but why it was a friggin lion!! Seriously people… Our military veterans are committing suicide on a daily basis, and I don’t hear a single person protesting on their behalf!! Get your priorities straight people! Smfh
thank you
What have you done about anything..except whine.????
And my priorities are none of your business…
Yeah..a moronic company. Keep the business of a few big game hunters and possibly lose that of the many anti-trophy people out there…real smart move.