In the wake of President Obama’s call for more gun control, more background checks, and threats that he is not done with trying to take guns away from law abiding citizens, it is clear that the public vociferously disagrees with him. That is easily seen by the large uptick in gun purchases, fueled by the fear of confiscation by the administration, and by the terrorist incidents that people have seen recently both in the U.S. and abroad.
In addition, there are numerous examples of ordinary citizens having guns in their homes for self protection that led to a more preferred outcome when the need arose. Home invasions have been thwarted by well-trained moms or even kids who were able to defend themselves when a call to the police would have been far to late to do anything but mark a crime scene. And that does not begin to count the thousands or tens of thousands of times that simply brandishing a weapon scared the perpetrator away.
It now seems that even police officers are beginning to get the idea that an armed citizenry can be very important in the battle against crime.
More guns, more safety, page 2:
Give Obama to Sheriff Joe
This is why Obama and Loretta Lynch are Globalizing all Law Enforcement under the United Nations Troops. They want to punish and control all attempts by our current law enforcement, who would start an uprising against their TYRANNICAL TAKEOVER OF AMERICA.
Absolutely Right.Put Obama in Prison where he belongs.
I forgot to mention, when they shut the grid down, there will be no money transfers. Their first line of targets will be those who are most prepares for this. No one will no nothing about what is taking place. I agree the Tribulation is near. All things around the world are lining up as in Daniel 12.
Please listen people!!
Yes he has his own army in all mosque and the UN waiting for his order to begin. This isn’t a joke people!! This is real, right here in America, what our forefathers hoped the constitution would stop!!
GOD help us! AMEN.
Monica Blackwelder, he stated in his suicide letter that the government has taken the weapons of mass destruction away from the National Guard. He also mentioned they transferred military equipment from the state to the local cop enforcers. I take this to mean they have cops in cities that are ready to comply with police state orders. I talked with the deputies last year and they even admitted things were changing and not in their favor, so it sounded to me like you either quit, deny citizens, or die.
There is such a thing as the straw that breaks the camels back. Obama has pushed his will on law enforcement about as far as he can without our law enforcement people shutting him down. “We the people”are with the SHERIFFS nationwide! VOTE TRUMP.
Any law enforcement officer who does not agree with these patriots should b e FIRED immediately.