In the wake of President Obama’s call for more gun control, more background checks, and threats that he is not done with trying to take guns away from law abiding citizens, it is clear that the public vociferously disagrees with him. That is easily seen by the large uptick in gun purchases, fueled by the fear of confiscation by the administration, and by the terrorist incidents that people have seen recently both in the U.S. and abroad.
In addition, there are numerous examples of ordinary citizens having guns in their homes for self protection that led to a more preferred outcome when the need arose. Home invasions have been thwarted by well-trained moms or even kids who were able to defend themselves when a call to the police would have been far to late to do anything but mark a crime scene. And that does not begin to count the thousands or tens of thousands of times that simply brandishing a weapon scared the perpetrator away.
It now seems that even police officers are beginning to get the idea that an armed citizenry can be very important in the battle against crime.
More guns, more safety, page 2:
Praise the lord and pass the ammunition.
You better believe America is Ready to Fight…
Well said!
It’s coming…
The silent majority will be there when needed and be plenty
A true mark of maturity is teaching them a lesson…while not hurting them too badly…
obama wants armed criminals , not armed citizens . gun control only makes it safer for criminals .
حاميان تجارت اسلحه كساني هستند كه از ترامپ حمايت ميكنند،در حاليكه اشتباه ميكنند،آمريكا خانه همه هست،وحمان تجار اسلحه هم انسان هستند ودست از اين معامله بر ميدارند، حالا از آقاي ترامپ بپرسيد دولت فاسد چه كساني هستند، در قمار خانه ها مواد مخدر وجود دارد،معامله اسلحه هم وجود دارد، من چشم بسته ميگويم،،،از ايشان ميخواهم كاخ سفيد قمار خانه نيست مركز تجارت هم نيست،،،سناتورهاي جمهوريخواه هم ميدانند كه نامشان با بودن آقاي ترامپ در كجا قرار خواهد گرفت،نابودي جمهوريخواهان در تاريخ واثباتش در آينده نزديك،،،فتحيه
Hell yes it’s time too take up arms and put our government in its place