It is hard to imagine a commander in chief that is more antagonistic to the police and military than Barack Obama. Perhaps it comes from his days as a high school thug with the “choom” gang, or from being a “community organizer,” which is code for someone who teaches community trouble makers how to take on “the man.”
Obama has made clear that he will side with the criminals and the rioters if there is any confrontation between police protecting the community and ethnic trouble makers making a statement, which usually involves arson, looting, and assault on both citizens and police.
It is more shocking when it becomes clear that police are paying a huge price for Obama’s attitude, and that he is uninterested in how it affects the officers and the communities they work in.
Obama ignores law enforcement deaths, page 2:
He’s the one who set up the cops getting killed, by meeting with black lives matter, you don’t meet with terrorist groups in the White House unless you have a hidden agenda.
Obama has been trying to tell us all for over 7 years now that he is our enemy,but no one is doing anything to stop him yet.
Obama and Hillary both side with those that kill and block our highways . I hope BLM all take up residence at Obama’s new home so he won’t get lonely.
Obama wants disorder and chaos ! And he want “Marshall Law” that’s why he is against all police . That’s why he started BLM and NBP ! To keep the chaos going !
According to the President, when speaking to the Lt. Governor of Texas,because the Lt. Gov. claimed he has ignored the police-Obama claimed he has let police officers know he’s behind them. I don’t think the Obama is telling the truth. The morale of the police officers is important, and after what they’ve seen and heard, they need to know that the Pres. has their back. However, I don’t think he will do that, because he has his own hidden agenda, the same one Hillary has concerning law enforcement.
BO is a Waist of Air space !!
F**k oboma dirty$#%&!@*i say we hang him! Who is with me on this!?
yes, he does