It is hard to imagine a commander in chief that is more antagonistic to the police and military than Barack Obama. Perhaps it comes from his days as a high school thug with the “choom” gang, or from being a “community organizer,” which is code for someone who teaches community trouble makers how to take on “the man.”
Obama has made clear that he will side with the criminals and the rioters if there is any confrontation between police protecting the community and ethnic trouble makers making a statement, which usually involves arson, looting, and assault on both citizens and police.
It is more shocking when it becomes clear that police are paying a huge price for Obama’s attitude, and that he is uninterested in how it affects the officers and the communities they work in.
Obama ignores law enforcement deaths, page 2:
not so tom p..I have read this same post on several feeds, it still rings true. Some people just don’t want to hear it, because it forces people to deal with the problem that is so complex. People need to wake up to exactly what these progressive socialist marxists are really about before it is too late for our America.
He has Done nothing but hurt the U.S. and does not even belong in America.The ones that bought him in office need to be tried for treason.
Yes, he does. Why is he still in office?
Killing police, inciting Blm terrorism and muslim terrorism is part of his plan to bring on civil war and chaos! It is his intention to use martial law so, he can stay in power! Instead, this makes our country weak enough to be taken over by China or Russia!!!!
Obumbler acts in accordance with the game plan of the one worlders, create chaos divisiveness and social unrest to keep us busy so we don’t see what the elite are up to!! This is not by accident or as a result of Barrys incompetence, everything is carefully orchestrated to achieve a desired result!!!!!
well he does he wants chaos so he can call marshal law and destroy us
Obama’s a piece of s**t
He is paying these idiots to murder and create chaos so he can use martial law