Sheriffs across the nation are calling on citizens to arm themselves. In New York, directly after the San Bernardino shooting, Sheriff David Cole requested that concealed permit holders would keep their guns on them at all time, to protect the public against terrorism. He called on retired and active law enforcement to remain armed when they leave their homes.
Steuben County Police Academy, Cole said is offering classes for citizens to learn safe and proficient firearms and self-defense techniques, as well as to become knowledgeable to the state laws regarding carrying a weapon. He is encouraging his constituents to be prepared for possible “life-or-death situations.”
Similar requests have been made in other states after the terrorist attack in San Bernardino, from Boon County Kentucky, to Ulster County New York, and south to Florida. In Texas, Sheriff Randy Kennedy appealed to residents, “So, I strongly encourage you to help me by arming yourselves because I know that we as law enforcement do the very best we can to protect our citizens and we do a good job.”
Sheriff Kennedy had much to say about gun rights and addressed Obama in a video commentary on Facebook. Do you agree with his thoughts on the next page?
Glen Thornbury, I tried to buy a single shot youth rifle to go deer hunting with but because I am receiving my husbands VA pension I was denied. I have never had a violent record but my husband was on psych med school. I am a widow. My husband was no longer with me. If you are a veteran Obama has you blocked.
No kidding !
“Alread There”
To be used for protection against a tryrannical government!
You betch ya.
I’d bet anything that Trump couldn’t care less what they do. He already shortened all performances and it will be short by most of these celebrations. Celebratives may have a good time though. Spend money – Get high! Normal c**p for them ..
Already am buddy. Way ahead of you
Silly Girl, The only one that want’s American’s dead is the Out going lump of bull$#%&!@*you have been calling President for the last 8 years and who has fucked your Country, Only a couple of weeks to go and Americans will be Allowed to be Americans again !