Two sheriffs from Massachusetts, Bristol County Sheriff Thomas Hodgson and Plymouth County Sheriff Joseph McDonald, are organizing a rally for sheriffs across the country to march on Washington, D.C., scheduled for Dec. 10th.
They have challenged at least 200 sheriffs and so far 20 have committed.
time to arrest Obama
GOD BLESS THEM! I wish I was able to go. i’d have been there looooooong ago!!
mr o needs to be removed from office for treason – by force if necessary
Obama got away with so much I wonder if this is going to help
Get the military to move his whole party our the way. Lock them up & NO USA don’t want his vice president either. All his party is crooked.
Obama has USA troops fighting for his Babylonian idol at mecca.
Time for action, time for marching is over!!!!
How sick & sad for USA when a real terrorist of nations has their reins & not God Almighty.
It is way past time to clean the house once and for all before there is no more house left to clean. Our country is sinking fast !
Race have nothing to do with it. He is a liar for the idol stone of that which Be-Liar. The so called Muslims. So he hates ISIS because they bust his c**p unto pieces.