In the video below Sheriff Mack gives his take on the Bundy Ranch situation, tearing into the actions of the Bureau of Land Management and their terror tactics. You’ll even hear him call out Glenn Beck for his lack of support for the Bundys:
“The federal agents and the mercenaries have hired are willing and able, and have made this very clear: They will shoot at unarmed people. They will shoot at unarmed citizens. They are willing to kill, and over what? Grazing fees? Or the desert tortoise? How ridiculous can you get?And they will do that here and turn around and blame the Bundys.”
I can not believe that Glen Beck backed the Govt. coming in with guns. I have always liked Glen and watched him on FNC when he was on at 5 PM. He warned us about what is happening in the Middle East and it happened.
The federal government is evil and corrupt and needs to be downsized
And they wouldn’t think twice to fire upon and kill American citizens.
Liked beck untill this
Wonder how long it will be before this Sheriff is audited by the IRS..?!
all he needs to due is get more cops and sheriffs on this and they stop this b/s with there snipers. it was something to here reid talk about snipers when they came in with snipers, to round up cows. what did they think the cows where going to shoot them. this was pure and simple a test to test the people to see how far they will push us. all i know is i dont think its over
Way to go Sheriff Mack. You hit the nail on head. Why have we not heard anything out of the Governor of Nevada on this issue. He must be on Dirty Harry’s payroll in my opinion. Keep up the good work Sheriff Mack. Expose them for they are. Obama’s Gestapo at work again.
Sheriff Mack is so right.