In the video below Sheriff Mack gives his take on the Bundy Ranch situation, tearing into the actions of the Bureau of Land Management and their terror tactics. You’ll even hear him call out Glenn Beck for his lack of support for the Bundys:
“The federal agents and the mercenaries have hired are willing and able, and have made this very clear: They will shoot at unarmed people. They will shoot at unarmed citizens. They are willing to kill, and over what? Grazing fees? Or the desert tortoise? How ridiculous can you get?And they will do that here and turn around and blame the Bundys.”
Amen Sheriff
Thank you Sheriff Mack
So good some Sheriff’s still have balls..
BLM, TSA, DHS, FEMA, IRS, EPA, DOE – ALL are domestic terrorist groups… They are the enemy within destroying America and the lives of good, decent American citizens. It’s way past time to throw off the tyrants – “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. ” DOI
Our founders found less abuses and atrocities to fight for freedom and liberty against such tyranny –
And i used to respect Glenn Beck…that has all changed
I’d vote for him !
THIS DICTATORSHIP is not American it is Sharia law taking over !