In the video below Sheriff Mack gives his take on the Bundy Ranch situation, tearing into the actions of the Bureau of Land Management and their terror tactics. You’ll even hear him call out Glenn Beck for his lack of support for the Bundys:
“The federal agents and the mercenaries have hired are willing and able, and have made this very clear: They will shoot at unarmed people. They will shoot at unarmed citizens. They are willing to kill, and over what? Grazing fees? Or the desert tortoise? How ridiculous can you get?And they will do that here and turn around and blame the Bundys.”
So wrong, we need to Wake Up America!!!
think the feds would’ve learned by now that they screw up everything they get involved with just do what ur supposed to do and leave the American people the hell alone
The federal government getting too big intrude into our lives, they passed laws made drugs illegal then spent our tax money on war on drugs where drug dealers did nothing against the governt except mind their own business. The government banned prostitution, and want to ban abortion and gay marriage which absolutely against individual liberty. How people want to live their lives, who they want to marry is none of government business.
Join Sheriff Mack’s org for $35 annually, $25 for military veterans. [email protected]
Without a doubt.
Amen to that! They now think that WE work for them. We work to keep them in multi-million dollar vacations and golden parachute retirement plans. Who do they think will protect them when the rest of the world has no use for them. It won’t be me!
It sure is
No one should support government terror tactics.