In the video below Sheriff Mack gives his take on the Bundy Ranch situation, tearing into the actions of the Bureau of Land Management and their terror tactics. You’ll even hear him call out Glenn Beck for his lack of support for the Bundys:
“The federal agents and the mercenaries have hired are willing and able, and have made this very clear: They will shoot at unarmed people. They will shoot at unarmed citizens. They are willing to kill, and over what? Grazing fees? Or the desert tortoise? How ridiculous can you get?And they will do that here and turn around and blame the Bundys.”
there is one of the problems, America is not a democracy…fools.
seems very strange that Sheriff mack was talking $#%&!@* in support of BLM last week or not doing anything at all now the BLM has pulled out he is shooting of his mouth in support of Bundy he is a 2 faced bastard. He could have used he constitutional authority and arrested every one of the BLM agents and hired thugs and stopped the entire problem from he beginning or he could have arrested the Bundys for none payment of legitimate fees ,if they were indeed legitimate which I fully doubt dont be too quick to sing the praises of Sheriff Mack
You are confusing the local Sheriff with Sheriff Mack not to mention you need spelling and grammer help…oy!~
Mack’s been true blue all through.
you are right the United States is a Republic.
This is about a man that has chosen to pick and choose what laws to follow. If we all did this what kind of country would we live in,it certainly would not be ours. The resulting chaos would leave us open to foreign invasion. If you don’t agree with a law then fight to change it legally.
Pam our own president does not follow his oath of office Why should anyone else. He should set an example. but instead he is creating another revolution.
Actually, we are no longer a functioning republic, we’re an oligarchy.
Our Government isn’t a free American democracy any more ,Obama’s change has made it so far into a Police state, Socialist ,A full Communist Nation is in the future, It’s Happening
That may well be the understatement of the millennium!
beck is a conspiracy theory whacko nut job
Thank You Sheriff Mack.
Smart Sherrif
@margie haught contos, you nailed it. i so want to share that post. can you send it to me
douchebag RGO