In the video below Sheriff Mack gives his take on the Bundy Ranch situation, tearing into the actions of the Bureau of Land Management and their terror tactics. You’ll even hear him call out Glenn Beck for his lack of support for the Bundys:
“The federal agents and the mercenaries have hired are willing and able, and have made this very clear: They will shoot at unarmed people. They will shoot at unarmed citizens. They are willing to kill, and over what? Grazing fees? Or the desert tortoise? How ridiculous can you get?And they will do that here and turn around and blame the Bundys.”
I agree, we need to pray and believe for The Lord to remove Obama and his henchmen and for him to smite them and for our country to be restored under God.
I agree 100% but w/ all the damage he has done it’s a little late
It is very hard on us non-Christians when you advocate asking the Lord for stuff. The magical thinking that goes along with the idea that your god is going to take care of everything is causing the rest of us to work overtime doing actual, practical things to make the government do as it is told. Wishing on your knees isn’t helping.
Harry Reid is nothing but a megalomaniacal little Hitler. He is the domestic terrorist and is an eminent threat to society.
Roger that…
way to go Mack.
Here’s the video that spells it out!