It’s just a few short weeks before Donald Trump is sworn in as president and Barack Obama leaves the White House forever, but the legacy of division and unrest he sowed will remain a blight on our nation for years to come.
Although the radical activists of groups like Black Lives Matter have done most of the heavy lifting, Obama has nevertheless done much to set the tone and direction of said movements. Endlessly inveighing in the aloof, condescending way that he is wont to, Obama has pretended to sit on the sidelines even as he defended and sanctioned the most unacceptable rhetoric and acts done by BLM.
Despite the plain obviousness of this to anyone with half a brain, liberals have insisted that acknowledging it and calling Obama out for it is “disrespectful”, a charge that might quell some but not one brave law enforcement officer.
See video about Obama’s legacy on the next page:
All I hear about obama is that he is the first black president. You are all wrong, nobody talks about that he is HALF WHITE. He is the first mulatto president. He hates white people because of what his grandma said about the black guy when he stole her purse, and obama over heard her.
At the time of slavery in the United States there were more white slaves than black slaves. There was only 1 percent that were slave owners in the south.
Obama forgets his nose is half white.
What ever
What ever
Blm are blacks that retained Islam, sold by Islamic blacks in 16th century Islamic africa (introduced 600CE).
Much as Israels Simin Perez states Palestineans are self victimizing, so are they raging Islamic blacks from the 17th century
Satan has a legal right to whom of them did not accept Christianity after four centuries in America. 60% of Africans have converted to Christianity as have most American blacks.
Non Islamic blacks fear the subversive blacks as 93% of blacks murdered by blacks. Wheres the prejudice?
The Islamic blacks as all Islamics are controlled by a foul spirit.
We have, have never had a racial problem. We have an Islamic problem that is prohibited by law for it is subversive to the United States. Islam rages always for no reason. That is the divided house of Satan.
Actually 1 timothy 4, Revelation 3 they are given over to the spirit of iniquity having no say themselves because they are Satan’s property called ‘the living dead.’ The heathens rage the foul voice of Satan.
There is no political sense, no inequality
the same old Arab tricks that Arab countrys dumped their unwanted on Israels doorstep. There is no political solution.
The raging starts when there are enough to rage? anywhere in the world;. Give them everything, they still rage and whatever dirty little Muhammed did. filthy.
racism was Johnsons subversion just as he murdered 57000 with a gun to our heads in nam.
immigrants came to america for FREEDOM and built America.
blacks did not help the Irish built cathedrals, nor help Swedes nor Germans build their churches nor did we build their churches.
years before Johnson lnvented racism, New York had black millionaires. blacks had the same opportunities as anyone else.
For the ignorant, 97% of blacks always worked, were Christians. From the 1700s
life was not faircro anyone.
There were and are enough blacks to make it only in America. now blm is islam from Africa in the 1700s whom under africas still 40% Islamics Americans subversives came. see Islam was all islamic in 600 BC snd under Islam sold their own family as islam does.
it’,s not racism yet as Palestine where arabs dumped their unwanted on Israel’s doorstep, then stood up raging inequality.
Americas racism is a duplicate of the Palestinians crying for what is anothers property. Around the globe many farmers are still walking away from their fortunes being threatened by Islamics with rifles.
Lebanon is an example where the Arab garden of Eden was turned into a s hole by islam. American racism is another hoax of the foul voice, father of lies, hurting, harming the righteous.Whats
interesting is the biggest victims of black islamic subversives are black people. Johnson was a crook in all he did even destroying FREEDOM for old Arab tricks. If the southern whites want their own schools, so can blacks and the blacks do!!
making USA a multiculture defys freedom as the indiginous immigrants had hopes, dreams that Johnson destroyed. America is no longer the land of the free and home of the brave.
God is leaving the USA a dictatorship.
Like it or not Gods people suffer from lack of knowledge. Germany in 1932 believed the Jews were a problrm.
Americans as well live under lies.
No white people ever across America
even knew blacks whom settled in their own communities just as all immigrants did especislly because of language.
Getman Lutheran’s would not fit into Swedish Lutheran’s community because of language, tradition, cultures hope and dreams. For this reason it would have been impossible via tradition for America to be racist. big fat islamic lies. Today blm account for 93% of black murders. Tha statistic could not be if America were racist. Yet gvt has destroyed equality for a caste system based on Islamic hatred not fact. Government has defeated its own purpose. fsct.EEO is$#%&!@*ideology dnying 1st amendment rights to Caucasian white males.that is precisely Nazism we have Nazism in our government. racism the foul voice of the curse of Noah to Ham, the rebel whom rejected God for Satan. Genesis 9:27.
why do the heathen rage?
when God destroys America before rebuilding get the subversives, heathens, pagsns out, cause once you build up stands Ham raging inequality. exterminate the foul voice of satan before one nail is driven or again freedom will be destroyed.
once you labor, and have more than others, they will point out their lack, imposing false quilt taking all the dreams of freedom.
The subversives, blm owes Americans trillions for the robbery of the righteous.
200 thousand immigrant children were put on the orphan trains due to the depression in the early 1900’s never to see their parents. Interesting the residents black n white did nothing. Strangely, they didn’t rage “black supremacy” not “white supremacy”
and like all non pagans, never did they rage the foul voice of Islam. Raging is not normal human behaviour, rather the same ragung is common in the Mideast where the foul voice of Islam influences old arab tricks, by the, father of lies.
There will never be a solution because the voice if fallen Lucifer has,nothing to gain but glirying in death for him and the suckers that rage. Thats,right they want division snd strife period. It’s been raging for 6000 years and will cease when St. Michael locks up the old dragon forever.
Are they protesting, their kids? Are the frontier women’s kids protesting when a man would outlives 5 wives in the 1800’s
Are the mens kids n grandkids who built Boulder dam in 109 degree heat whom many fell in the dam and were covered in the dam protesting while their wives lived in shacks at 109 degrees? Then the Chinese whom cut thru the moutains . no way. A black slave cost $27500, had a cabin, medical. Frankly as a historian they had the best deal. The U S. has taught them subversienesss. Most important
2 Timothy 3 says “in the last days,shall come”. I’ve known most blacks work like all of us, but these blm are the are the walking dead. The Bible refers to these as the walking dead.
Having sold their souls there is no redemption. Like Islam, a false god, they are robots of a diabolical spirit.
In Europe talking, negotiating failed and now at last these diabolical, rapists murderers are found to be other than human in spirit, being deported, walls built.See you have been raised in a Christian culture, whether you are one it not and you csn’t comprehend the diabolical.