Obama and his minion mayors, who are soft on crime, are partnering in a stealth implementation of full gun confiscation.
In an exclusive Breitbart interview, Sheriff Clarke candidly spelled out what is really going on with the annihilation of the 2nd Amendment by Obama and his hoards. Read Clarke’s statements on page two.
Mohamed was possesed by a Demon in a cave, Allah is Satan. Satan hates mankind, because he can’t ever go home to heaven. He especially hates and blames females for tempting him and the other fallen angels. Thats why he told Mohamed to marry little girls, rape women, keep women covered as to not tempt men, beat their wives, and cut their genitals off so they don’t enjoy sex. Islam is evil and of the Devil. The real God would not say it is ok to rape little girls.
It’s called the second amendment.
Before he tries to take legal guns lets see this hypocrite bassturd go after his gang and thug buddies.
Take the ones on the streets that’s the ones doing the killing.
No no no I have the 2nd amendment on my side.
Yep Obama’s on a mission to confiscate firearms and that mission will be titled: Mission Fail!
This thang is way bigger then Obama. He’s just a puppet.
So true Obama is trying to leave us without any way to protect ourselves against all the bad guys and outsider’s he been letting in
To those of you who swore an oath to support and protect the U.S. constitution….
“I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same….that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God.”
Notice, there is NO EXPIRATION DATE, the oath is for an indeterminate period; no duration is specifically defined, none……
So what, exactly, have you done to honor the oath you took to Uphold and Defend the Constitution…your obligation to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic?
If you can’t/won’t answer these questions with exact actions or participate in an honest dialog, then you are hereby charged with Dereliction of Duty and Treason…
I pray to the Creator that you have the strength to hear and face the truth and rethink your time served in the dark.
—-Rights Lost On Your Watch—-
– The First Amendment rights of freedom of speech, press, association, assembly, religion, and petitioning government for redress of grievances, all newly under pressure from widespread warrantless surveillance, secret datamining of private data, surreptitious infiltration of peaceful protest and solidarity groups, President Obama’s increased prosecution of supposedly protected whistleblowers and leakers, and changes in the law allowing criminalization and chilling of such speech and association promoting peace and human rights under the Patriot Act’s “material support” provision (which criminalized “expert advice and assistance” and was upheld in the US Supreme Court’s closely divided, erroneous decision Holder v. Humanitarian
The Fourth Amendment rights to freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures without a warrant and probable cause to believe a crime or terrorism was involved, which also have been eroded by the FISA Amendments Act (allowing the Bush-era illegal warrantless surveillance of Americans’ phone calls, emails, and web-surfing habits), Patriot Act provisions including section 505 regarding the notorious and repeatedly abused National Security Letters (allowing the FBI to search a wide variety of library and business records without probable cause, any judicial review, or notifying the target), section 215 (the library and business records provision requiring the secret FISA court to approve searches on a mere “relevance” standard and probably also being interpreted to allow a secret datamining program some Senators say would “stun” and “anger” the US public if revealed), section 213 (allowing sneak and peek” secret black bag job searches of homes), and section 218 (basically importing expansive foreign intelligence surveillance powers into domestic criminal law).
The Fifth Amendment rights to due process of law has been infringed not only by the extreme measure of assassination noted above, but also by increasingly routine arbitrary changes of the rules–contrary to President Obama’s promises — so as to block accountability for other violations of fundamental rights, as with the use of the state secrets privilege, standing, and other procedural doctrines to completely immunize those who labeled citizens like Jose Padilla “enemy combatants”, or those who tortured, participated in extraordinary rendition (kidnapping and “disappearing” people) to places of torture, and planned and conducted warrantless surveillance,
– The Eighth Amendment rights to freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment (also protected by an international treaty, the Convention Against Torture, signed by Pres. Ronald Reagan, and by federal statute), which has been rhetorically embraced by both the Bush and Obama administrations but ignored in practice (especially by the former, but also allegedly to a lesser extent even by the latter, in cases such as those of Bradley Manning, Gulet Muhammed, and in Afghanistan and Iraq).
Have these major infringements spilled over into the routine law enforcement and justice systems of the United States?
“Some of us had expectations that these developments wouldn’t further affect ordinary citizens. We all know that legions of ordinary citizens already have been harmed and had their privacy and liberties infringed by National Security Letters and other Patriot Act provisions, as decades of gradual progress in expanding rights have been undermined and generations who have fought for hard-won liberties have seen both their liberty and their security dramatically reduced this past decade. This category includes:
– The increasing militarization of domestic policing and intelligence gathering, as seen in such developments as the Pentagon’s new Northern Command, the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) involvement in domestic intelligence and counterterror efforts, Pentagon involvement in infiltration of domestic peace and anti-war groups, increasing deployment of weaponized drones within US borders as well as at the borders, and the surveillance, biometric, and other equipment and weapons defense contractors have imported from Iraq and Afghanistan into American streets, all as described (among others) by Dana Priest and Bill Arkin in their Top Secret America Washington Post series and book, and all in great tension with our Constitutional regime and historic bias against domestic deployment of military forces as reflected in Posse Comitatus and other laws,
– Although sold as temporary, emergency counterterror measures, these laws and approaches such as the Patriot Act have only become more permanent and used overwhelmingly for routine, domestic law enforcement (such as drug cases and minor offenses) — as repeatedly confirmed in the government’s own reports, such as the recent one described by the ACLU pertaining to “sneak and peek” home search warrants — again contrary to the basic premises and fundamental laws of our democratic republic and its origins in a Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights arranged precisely against such arbitrary and unconstrained power.
– The way the laws have, as described above, been used to immunize high officials and the powerful from accountability of any type (no torture victim has received his or her day in US court!) at the very time laws for lesser violations have resulted in the United States carrying the dubious honor of having imprisoned more of its population, in both absolute and percentage terms, than any other nation in the world. This discrepancy remains a substantial driver for the Occupy movement and can be expected to continue to drive social instability, protest, and conflict unless and until the gaps in transparency and accountability are remedied and again realigned with the original, sensible Constitutional vision and allocation of rights and powers.
The government has done what terrorists never could: taken away freedoms, privacy and Constitutional rights that were fundamental to what it means — or, more accurately, what it meant — to be American. The Government has multiplied in size and exploded in scope. It has taxed, borrowed and spent until it is forever impossible to restore federal spending to what it was before. Our American principles have been beaten to death.
Observation::Most Americans live in their myths, and these myths are immune to facts. While others become angry when confronted with information inconsistent with their preconceptions equals maintenance of the status quo.
He only wants the guns that will suppresse his way of socialism. He is biting off more than he chew.