Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. is stating that President Obama encouraged rioting in Ferguson after the grand jury’s decision not to indict officer Darren Wilson.
“I can’t for the life of me figure out…I heard some of the President’s comments last night, he said that what we need to do is try to understand them. And he said that the anger was an understandable reaction and I was just floored by that because it’s not an understandable reaction,” Clarke continued. “People have to come up with a more socially acceptable way to deal with anger and frustration. This is totally and unequivocally intolerable.”
Missouri Gov. Nixon is a gutless wonder who didn’t have the guts to let the National Guard fully deploy, round up those looting, burning, rioting, etc. and take them to jail at the point of a rifle and bayonet. Shoot the one’s resisting. LOCK AND LOAD!
If I were law enforcement I’d file a lawsuit against the biggest race baiters of all. The news medias CNN, MSNBC, HLN, ABC, NBC and CBS. THESE ARE THE REAL CRIMINALS AND THE REASON FOR ALL THE DESTRUCTION.
obama is a POS and is trying to Destroy the USA!!!! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!
just pullin the racial strings from the white house with his advisor, the Reverand Al the Hypocrite Sharpton!
Enough Said..
Me says:
“Milwaukee County Sheriff David A Clark Jr. is out of his mind and 100% wrong! To say that people have the right to be angry about a decision and to say that they reacted the right way when violently rioting are two completely different things. He implies that by Pres. Obama saying that it’s okay if some people are upset, that he encourages them to riot and act out with violence. What a damn fool!”
Milwaukee County Sheriff David A Clark Jr. is out of his mind and 100% wrong! To say that people have the right to be angry about a decision and to say that they reacted the right way when violently rioting are two completely different things. He implies that by Pres. Obama saying that it’s okay if some people are upset, that he encourages them to riot and act out with violence. What a damn fool!
I wonder what he’s diverting peoples attention away from while he’s egging these unnecessary racial tensions on? He’s up to somthing more important that’ we’re not going to like. He probably put Sharpton on his payroll to keep it going. EVIL MAN
Obama encouraged the rioting also, they are both race-baiters.