Sheriff Clarke: Obama Encouraged Ferguson Rioting, Gov. Nixon Is Too Weak

Sheriff Clarke continued questioning Obama’s sincerity and even charging the President as intentionally creating racial animosity:

“It didn’t even start off as peaceful protests. And once that happens for law enforcement and National Guard all bets are off. They have to all use all reasonable force to quell the disturbance…and so when I heard the President call for calm after the rioting started I question his sincerity because some of his political strategy of ‘divide and conquer’ fuels this sort racial animosity between people. And so I think when he called for calm after rioting started I believe it was done with a ‘wink and a nod’.”

So Obama meets with civil rights activists before the grand jury verdict and tells them to keep the protesters ‘staying on track’.

Then he states that anger of protesters is an ‘understandable reaction’ as the riots start.

Then he likely has Gov. Nixon not bring in the National Guard until after rioting and destruction ensues, which has ignited more than 170 protests across the country.

Gee, think Sheriff Clarke has a point, or two?



  1. Fletch
  2. Charlie Graham

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