This past Saturday on Justice with Judge Jeanie, a highly upset Milwaukee County, WI Sheriff David Clarke called out President Obama and former Attorney General Eric Holder as having created an ‘open season’ on police officers across the nation.
Clarked opened with: “I am too pissed off tonight to be diplomatic with what’s going on and I’m not going to stick my head in the sand about it.” Clarke continued, “I said last December war had been declared on the American police officer led by some high profile people, one coming out of the White House, and one coming out of the United State Department of Justice. And it’s open season right now. No doubt about it.”
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agree with eric brock
Sheriff Clarke tell the truth !!
Hate gets you no where.
Just trying to protect the country you know how some people get upset and how they respond to being upset.
an evil president
It should be Open Season. Karma to these tyrants in blue. #bluelivesdontmatter #bluelivesmurder
Why would Bush be impeached? At least he didn’t invite three known terrorist to the WH for lunch. At least he didn’t side with the enemy Iran and sell our allies out. No or president is perfect but this piece of traitorous s$#%&!@* will receive his just rewards in the end. As a 21-year veteran, this Coward-In-Chief needs to receive a traitor’s punishment. Bush’s mistake was having the evil Cheney and Rumsfeld in his administration.
Obama is directly responsible he, Soros and company have paid rioters to create issues across america. An America mind you where Racism was almost dead until Obama. His lawless Presidency has given criminals and thugs the impression that the law and authority are of no consequence and can be ignored. He hopes Chaos will ensue further erroding our society and increasing divisiveness, then once hes used these folks he will bring in Martial Law and implement a socialistic state. Visit what is going on in Venezuela and see how it will play out.
Why don’t the blacks address the fact that the black on black murders are the highest stats. Why don’t they mention, fm for example, that several of the officer’s who perpetrated Gray’s death are black? There are more good cops than bad and those bad cops need to be severely punished. We don’t want a civil war because it will solve nothing. But unfortunately it has begun. And I am so dad because everything MLK and others like him worked so hard to begin the healing. And if you think that the blacks will win a war…I hate to burst your bubble because they will lose big time. And in the end it will set back civil rights by decades. In the end they will be worse off than ever. In the end all of us will answer to God.