Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu recently told Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson and Breitbart news on a helicopter tour that operational control of major regions of the state have been lost to Mexican drug cartel.
Hundreds, if not thousands, of square miles of our nation’s sovereignty have been effectively surrendered.
Go to the following page:
Agenda 21 in action
In photo that looks like a hand
So,, what are the lawgivers going to do about this outrage?!?!
If law enforcement doesn’t ramp up efforts to contain these cartels, they’ll be in charge of towns and cities in a few years.
This has been going on for some time, with little or no media attention to the problem, thus no public awareness A few mortars placed into those caves and hillsides would go far to minimize the cartels’ expansion into the US.
This is Obama’s doing; he hates conservative AZ, so the feds won’t be confronting the cartels. Local law enforcement needs to beef up its efforts to contain this, or the cartels will soon be running towns in S. Arizona.
Isn’t this war hero McCains state. Someone is failing
It’s throw not through.
Obama don’t care about America
I know it is, but spell check on a phone changes it as it posts. And I am not tech savvy enough to know how to edit.
And at the moment am without a computer. Hope people can overlook my inadvertent typos.