“Our own President has overseen the release of thousands of illegal immigrants…hundreds of whom are convicted criminals – even felons, which are flooding into America,” states Sheriff Joe Arpaio from Arizona.“Every day you read the newspaper or turn on the news, there is something tragic happening, something Obama says is beyond our control.
“But I must tell you: the state of the U.S.–Mexican border IS NOT BEYOND OUR CONTROL. In fact, it’s one of the key places where the safety of our nation starts. AND I am working around the clock to take criminals off the streets.“Every action Obama has taken since the border crisis began has led to an increase in the flood of men, women, children, AND CRIMINALS! The icing on the cake…Obama’s solution is holding events at the White House “honoring young adults who came to this country illegally.”
“He is rewarding criminals! We are arresting them just to have the Obama administration release them the next day!
While many people in Arizona and around the country cheer Arpaio for this kind of take-no-prisoners candor, Sheriff Joe does have his detractors…right there in his home state. Check out what this highly critical columnist writes at a joint publication of 12News and The Arizona RepublicRequests like this from Arpaio have never made sense, but they have made money, particularly when the plea is picked up or passed along by high-profile conservative websites like the Drudge Report.
Will people fall for Arpaio’s pitch again?Are you kidding?
He makes the scammers pretending to be deposed royal figure or a millionaire from Nigeria look like amateurs.
Keep doing what you are doingSheriff,and stand strong!
Thank God for Sheriff Joe and others like him!
Yeah… because we don’t have bigger issues to worry about, like the criminals in our police department who can violate our rights and kill innocent civilians without being jailed.
Charge obama as an accessory to the fact as he is ordering their release and they recommit crimes all over again.
Not to mention the DISEASES being brought in at the border.
What can u expect from OUR President ?? What had he shown us so far?
Joe is a dirtbag
The c**p that gies down in that jail is so ridiculous
Oh I didn’t pay a fine?
Well I hope u like getting raped in Spanish
Oh you r innocent?
Hope YOU too line getting raped in Spanish
Mark it as prior existing condition
Die slow joe
Die slow
Right with Obama
Real criminals r a minority in jails
tonya erik nelson….this is not a fox news problem and not 8 year olds. you need to read up. 30 dangerous terrorists are here for 911. stand by. dont be in La or new york or san fran or seattle or chicago on 911.