Tax cheat Al Sharpton has made his money throughout the years doing something that would jail the rest of us: extortion.
Peddling influence, Sharpton financially blackmailed corporations for him to not only influence the black community in their favor, but to not give them bad publicity by publically labeling them as racist.
Why isn’t this guy in jail for $4.5 million in tax evasion? Oh, right. He is Obama’s buddy…
Someone needs to take him out !
someone needs to replace our top leaders with the patriots who were unjustly fired for loving God n country and not islam?
He needs to go away. Doesn’t he understand he is going to hell for the redirick he is spueing n gods name.
Sick racist pig.
He needs to be put in prison. I guess our leaders are afraid of this little man.
With a very big mouth.
Worthless POS, Pay your Taxes !!
Why don’t they arrest this man?
Hey Senater Jason Chaffee can’t you ask the Crooked IRS why they haven’t went after this tax evader.