Tax cheat Al Sharpton has made his money throughout the years doing something that would jail the rest of us: extortion.
Peddling influence, Sharpton financially blackmailed corporations for him to not only influence the black community in their favor, but to not give them bad publicity by publically labeling them as racist.
He’s been doing this for years, only now people are starting to pay attention. At least for some Racism sells and the profits are very big.
He is nothing but a racist who owes million in back taxes.
It doesn’t say much for the CEO’s who bow down to racist Sharpton.
Sharpton influences the semi-moronic members in the community which is a pretty high percentage . That explains his ability to have a one hours slot on MSNBC to cull the herd of emotional listeners
Heck of a preacher when he can make his congregation burn, loot, riot and not be arrested(add income tax evasion-he s GOOD!)
When the HELL are they going to put a STOP to sharpton??????
He has been a jerk and a racist ever since I’ve known of him.
LEACH sucking a living out of the people
They eliminated the Reverned word> so eliminate this tax chest by sending him to Sheriff Joe!