Tax cheat Al Sharpton has made his money throughout the years doing something that would jail the rest of us: extortion.
Peddling influence, Sharpton financially blackmailed corporations for him to not only influence the black community in their favor, but to not give them bad publicity by publically labeling them as racist.
Oh well let me rephrase that as to get by the censors … Captain donkey ( JA) or Sir Fleece A Lot . Take your pick !
Hey they printed that one !
Isn’t this extortion? And isn’t that illegal?
ol lord give us eno0ugh
That is really sick, throw him in jail where he belongs!
But he also gets money from other places to incite riots! He gets it coming and going! What an evil man!
Good god how cute
He doesn’t need to cry Racist we all know He is don’t give Him a crying dime we know He’s Racist !
It is called Extortion.
He learned it from Jessie Jackson who made a career of that.