In support of Obama’s “Task Force on 21st Century Policing,” which sets the groundwork for the nationalization of local police, Reverend Al Sharpton recently stated he would march on Washington to demand that the Justice Dept. to take over local law enforcement, seen in the video on page 2.
Sharpton, who campaigns for a bigger federal government while simultaneously cheating on his taxes, also recently stated that the rights of states should be fought for the sake of civil rights.
Shut up Al, and pay your taxes or go to jail !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no way sharpie, no way we federalize!!!!!
Just running off at the mouth.
Where did you get your acid? Get a refund.
Ffnn crook!
Hey Sharpton – Get out of town you stupid $#%&!@* loser !!!!
stupid man
He is Crazy and needs a padded cell
commie little $#%&!@*
Willie Nelson got busted years ago for taxes and had to pay so why is this Idiot getting by without paying oh wait I forgot Willie is White and this is a ________!!!!!!! Enough said.