In a time of arming ISIS, giving Iran the green-light for nukes and pretending there is no Islamic terrorism, why is there any surprise that President Obama would sign a trade agreement that let’s Sharia run amok?
After Paul Ryan helped to usher in the worst budget deal in American history, why would anyone in D.C. raise concerns over the Trans Pacific Partnership trade agreement with Asia? How bad can a trade agreement be?
Pretty bad evidently because no political faction loves the TPP.
Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO hates it.
Conservatives hate it.
Some special interests love it.
Countries with Sharia law love it too.
See the next page for details on the Obamatrade debacle:
Mr. Trump will do many things if we can get him into the position….. We have a dictator in chief who would pull anything to stay in position.
We the people need to stand up and take back what is ours…
Here comes WWIII as we will not be sailed down the crapper by Obama and friends without a fight that only America will win
Donald Trump has a daunting task to wipe Washington clean. —- That’s what the job calls for, not only that he will need to fire more than half the govt. jobs and increase our military at the same time. How else will he pay back the 20.5 Trillion of stolen money. ———————————————————————————————— **–** Obama is Leading The Jihadi Invasion against America ! ! —- We have the Top Team of Top Experienced to help lead our President. No one man has the answers to all problems.
Impeach Obama!!!
after seeing this.. i think if ya doing the country will become u s a of arabia .
There is a tremendous work that needs to be done but it needs to be done now with Treason and get rid of all of his appointed cabinet that are Muslim !! The provost marshal needs to Arrest him now just stop this
One step closer to NWO. We are so screwed.