In a time of arming ISIS, giving Iran the green-light for nukes and pretending there is no Islamic terrorism, why is there any surprise that President Obama would sign a trade agreement that let’s Sharia run amok?
After Paul Ryan helped to usher in the worst budget deal in American history, why would anyone in D.C. raise concerns over the Trans Pacific Partnership trade agreement with Asia? How bad can a trade agreement be?
Pretty bad evidently because no political faction loves the TPP.
Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO hates it.
Conservatives hate it.
Some special interests love it.
Countries with Sharia law love it too.
See the next page for details on the Obamatrade debacle:
I hope and pray Trump stops this as one of many acts he needs to do to save our country!
I wouldn’t be surprised to see a revolution before the end of 2016.
No biggy..trump willl rescind everythinng obam hss done we he gets in…then obams trial where it will al come out.
this is why trump!
this is EXTREMELY bad
i knew it i kept saying they sould out to saudia arabia & saudia arabia wants to spread islam in the united states a radical form of it btw. so it isnt good
arrest all for treason.
Sell out cop out , worthless
No wonder Obama did not want the Senate to see it.