Sharia law is barbaric and yet it is practiced in various degrees, from stoning, to amputation, to caning and other uncivilized punishments, in approximately 50 Muslim majority countries in the world. Without due diligence, the United States could succumb to the pressure imposed by CAIR, to allow Sharia Law into our country. God forbid, as the following example of Sharia is repulsive.
Indonesia is the latest perpetrator of human rights, as it allowed a young girl, who happened to stand too close to a male fellow university student, to be caned publicly and ultimately taken to the hospital for her wounds.
This brutish set of laws, was enforced in the courtyard of the Baiturrahumim Mosque in Banda Aceh, with hundreds standing around to watch.
Read more of Nur Elita caning on the following page.
The religion of hate…
Bunch of sick people who follow this so called religion.
It is time for direct action and full armed confict with the government that has turned its’ back on its’ people….. buy a weapon and ammo and get ready for war
I remember Americans used to support this type of punishment in 1995. When American boy was to be caned for vandalism. Now all of the sunden your against this. Americans are idiots. They only follow and are a bunch of sheep who follow political correctness and fear being called racist. Fools
Now this is what you get for obeying the Sharia Law.
Sick religion. And liberals support these idiots rather than Christians. Time will change that – I imagine.
Welcome to The New Demented World Order 🙁 Repent n Pray ~t~
That type of treatment is unacceptable. If any religion that promotes or accepts that, shouldn’t be followed.
THIS is considered moderation within islam???