After spending 181 days in a Mexican jail for accidentally crossing the border with legally owned firearms, a Mexican judge has ordered Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi back to jail after Tahmooressi waited long and hard for his first court date.
Abandoned by Obama, who has not lifted one finger to help this Marine who has saved the lives of fellow Marines in combat, Tahmooressi must now wait till August 4th for his next court date.
The 26-year-old veteran of two tours in Afghanistan was finally able to tell his story to a judge, after his case had been delayed by both Mexico’s unpredictable legal system and his own trouble settling on a lawyer. It was not immediately clear what Tahmooressi said at the evidentiary hearing, which was closed to the public. The next hearing in the case is scheduled for August 4.
Despite the judge’s ruling, Tahmooressi’s attorney, Fernando Benitez, told reporters that he was confident that the Marine’s case was on the right track. Benitez said that his client’s statement to the judge was “sound and made perfect sense,” and claimed that irregularities with Tahmooressi’s detention were grounds for dismissal of the case. The attorney said that his client was not provided with consular services for nearly eight hours after he was detained, nor did he have access to an adequate translator.
In addition, Benitez said that the order to search Tahmooressi’s vehicle was dated March 28, three days before the Marine crossed the border.
Benitez had earlier sought to dampen hopes that federal Judge Victor Octavio Luna Escobedo would free Tahmooressi, although supporters, including his mother, Jill Tahmooressi, had held out hope.
Tahmooressi has been held since March 31, when he accidentally drove into Mexico at the San Ysidro, Calif., Port of Entry late March 31, after becoming disoriented from poorly lit street signs and being in a position on the road unable to make a last ditch U-turn. His family believes his post-traumatic stress disorder also may have contributed to his confusion. He was charged with violating Mexico’s strict gun laws because he had three registered guns, along with all his worldly possessions, in his vehicle.
Tahmooressi appeared in court on April 28, but that hearing was gaveled before it began after the judge learned Tahmooressi had his attorney fired the night before for advising Tahmooressi to commit what the family considered to be perjury.
After Wednesday’s hearing, Tahmooressi was taken back to El Hongo Prison in Tecate under heavily-armed guard.
Somebody wake Obama up——–IF POSSIBLE????????????????????
Do you know what would happen if Tahmooressi were a Russian Marine? Vladimir Putin would go to the nearest air base, get into a vintage MIG-21 and fly nonstop, refueling in flight to Mexico City. Once there he would commandeer a Mexican tractor trailer rig, kicking the dog $#%&!@* out of the driver in the process, and drive to the Zocolo, running over street vendors who got in his way. Once there he would step out, strip off his shirt and hell in Spanish and Russian, to Mexican President, Enrique Pena Nieto, “Either release our Marine or I’m coming up there to kick your ass!”
omg this is crazy now if it were the other way around Obama would be all over it
Umm. This happens to an American citizen but we allow illegals to come and they are illegal. What about those mexican helicopters flying into American airspace a month ago.. Did you shoot them down and/or arrest the pilots?
Mexicans are COWARDS they can’t even keep the Cartels in jail but they can keep a US MARINE in jail. Every Mexican Official is on the take. They always have been. It is a country of greed and cowards. Yet they still make incursion into our country. They have been provoking us for many, many years. They want to invade the US so bad that they send their own destitute people and allow other counties from the south of them to travel through their country to get to the US. Honduras, Panama, and all the other countries presidents do have the Knowledge or know how to even take care of their people. Yet they take our money and keep it for themselves while their people starve and go without. Most all of them became presidents ILLEGALLY in the 1st place. They don’t know anything else but how to mistreat their own people. Mexico is no different.
If he was a Muslim, he would have got him!!!!
This can happen to one of our citizens while Obama allows as many Mexicans To come into our Country.
we need to just go get him and bring him home.
F**k Mexico I will never go there but they want U.S. to take care of them they sent all there people here, we have a dumb ass for a?