San Francisco mayor Ed Lee was outraged that North Carolina passed legislation preventing anti-discrimination for the protection for lesbian, gay and transgendered people that nullified a Charlotte ordinance allowing the transgendered to use whatever male or female bathrooms they choose.
He did what the self-righteous with no use for individual rights do – ban all city workers from traveling to North Carolina.
This is just another instance of the left forcing people to accept their world view and the improper and possibly illegal use of governmental power to do it
Go to the next page to learn the states that followed the lead of Ed Lee that violated the rights of its citizens.
I will be happy to visit MISS . and spend lots of money !
dont you get it Christians have no rights. the gay/liberial agenda is to shut down the church by using gay marriage
Mississippi or North Carolina doesn’t need the liberal kool-aid drinking idiocy of people cramming unethical values or morals down their throats. Frankly, I don’t want to see a guy in the ladies room. I don’t want my nieces or granddaughter seeing a guy in the bathrooms or locker rooms. There have been several incidents where these laws have opened the doors for lewd behavior. No big surprise there. It’s called modesty something they will never have. Until you go full blown sex change, cutting off you penis, getting hormone shots and breasts, there is no in between. You’re either a girl or a guy. If they’re confused, that’s not society’s problem. It’s about being respectful of others personal space and privacy.
I’m making plans to visit.
All who support the states that voted for the religious freedom law need to go there on vacations this year!
Should have three women, men, and other
Cool… I’ll get cheaper motel rates when I go…
I will continue to travel where i want…not a government drone yet!!!
Really? No one can tell you where you can travel in the US. Just try to stop travel to MS or NC or anywhere else.