San Francisco mayor Ed Lee was outraged that North Carolina passed legislation preventing anti-discrimination for the protection for lesbian, gay and transgendered people that nullified a Charlotte ordinance allowing the transgendered to use whatever male or female bathrooms they choose.
He did what the self-righteous with no use for individual rights do – ban all city workers from traveling to North Carolina.
This is just another instance of the left forcing people to accept their world view and the improper and possibly illegal use of governmental power to do it
Go to the next page to learn the states that followed the lead of Ed Lee that violated the rights of its citizens.
Mike time to take your meds and not the street drugs.
This is an outright attack on our constitutional rights.
When will we run these anti American trash out of the country?
The less than 2% Trying to force their perverted degenerate behavior on everyone else. Just trying to make themselves feel normal, because nasty degenerate perverse behavior will never be normal no matter how hard they try. It will never make them feel better about behavior they know is sick & disgusting.
Mississippi is the better for it !
Mississippi finally found a way to keep yankees out of their state. Steve Fulcher
When they tell you where you can and can’t go you are no longer in America.
Uh excuse me… lets get one thing straight assholes, no one suspends me or gets in my way going where I want to go when I want to go there, fair warning. I have rights that will not be trampled or suppressed and if I feel the need to go to Mississippi I’ll go whenever I damn well please!
So where does these states that are banning travel to MS and NC get their power… Oh yeah we have this President in the White House that stands behind every racist stupid thing that folks like them do.
So how exactly are they suspending travel ? Does a state official ride alongside you in the car ?