San Francisco mayor Ed Lee was outraged that North Carolina passed legislation preventing anti-discrimination for the protection for lesbian, gay and transgendered people that nullified a Charlotte ordinance allowing the transgendered to use whatever male or female bathrooms they choose.
He did what the self-righteous with no use for individual rights do – ban all city workers from traveling to North Carolina.
This is just another instance of the left forcing people to accept their world view and the improper and possibly illegal use of governmental power to do it
Go to the next page to learn the states that followed the lead of Ed Lee that violated the rights of its citizens.
Freedom from slavery, womens right to vote and equal protection under the law are a few to come to mind that are here because of Republicans.
And we still have a Second Amendment, Freedom of Religion and States Rights because of them as well. Look at NYC for examples of liberal/socialist interference in the lives and freedoms of its citizens. Cant have salt on the table in a restaurant? Cant have a soft drink over 32oz? Really? The nanny state is alive and well and coming to your house sooner rather than later.
Not a problem. They can stay in their “Safe space” and leave Mississippi alone.
Good for Mississippi.
God Bless Mississippi and NC for following their beliefs. Why can we protect everyone else’s rights, but not Christians. WAKE UP AMERICA I may have been born and raised in the north. But I choose to live in the South. It’s my home.
I don’t figure they’ll miss them.
Sue … If the baker can be sued so can these people
Liberals are all for perverted freaks going into the women’s bathroom and molesting young girls
They can’t ban people from going too mississippi they think people are stupid ! They work for us we don’t work for them.
Stupid as hell………..