If a powerful Senate Republican is to be believed, the GOP establishment is moving to help the Obama administration pull a fast one on the American people.
Going to the online press to spread the word, Senate Immigration and the National Interest Subcommittee Chairman Jeff Sessions (R-AL) has revealed some shocking news: at the behest of the White House, Speaker of The House Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) are going to push a measure that allocates taxpayer dollars to the president’s scheme to resettle Syrian refugees, many of whom are completely unvetted, within the United States. Explaining that conservatives in the Senate are “very frustrated,” Sessions explained that the planned measure is “going to be jammed through,” by the Republican leadership regardless of what individual senators, to say nothing of their constituents, have to say.
Turn to the next page for more about the senator’s allegation:
Not a single one of these douche bags
Totally unconscionable!
this is discusting
Obama is forcing his army on us
Ryan and McConnell what else can you expect from these people they have their jobs and nothing else is important
I know never vote for one of u basterds again. That’s why people want trump? No more politicians running this country. F them
They all got millions from Soros , they been bought, for our ruin.
Start calling the Capitol Office Bldg and talk to your Senators and Congressman and tell them you are fed up with them trying to ram these INVADERS down our throats and we do not want the moslems funded or brought to our country. There is no way to vet these INVADERS and they are coming to destroy our country and our way if life. Look at what is happening in Europe. Call daily or weekly. 202-224-3121.
You ram them through !!! We the people of the United States will ram you OUT OF OFFICE!!! YOU WORK FOR US NOT THE REFUGEES!!!!
Let them pay for it. Our vets are homeless and they don’t give a c**p.