If a powerful Senate Republican is to be believed, the GOP establishment is moving to help the Obama administration pull a fast one on the American people.
Going to the online press to spread the word, Senate Immigration and the National Interest Subcommittee Chairman Jeff Sessions (R-AL) has revealed some shocking news: at the behest of the White House, Speaker of The House Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) are going to push a measure that allocates taxpayer dollars to the president’s scheme to resettle Syrian refugees, many of whom are completely unvetted, within the United States. Explaining that conservatives in the Senate are “very frustrated,” Sessions explained that the planned measure is “going to be jammed through,” by the Republican leadership regardless of what individual senators, to say nothing of their constituents, have to say.
Turn to the next page for more about the senator’s allegation:
What heck is wrong with these Rhinos and CONSTITUTION KILLERS of AMERICA.FIRST THEY LET A FOREIGNer become POTUS and keep him there and let him ruin AMERICA with his muslim friends
Ryan has always been a socialist rino. Whats bad is all the representatives knew it first and still made him speaker!!!
Your elected people not doing what the public wants????
Yes we do they only want to kill us
They are afraid of Donald Trump so that is who i will vote for. If the establishment republicans give him a hard time and he runs independent i will switch to independent and vote for him. The establishment republicans are destroying their own parth.
Vekslina Anna Sounds like some of them are wising up.
uh,well if money is speech it is our money and the speech says no(THE PEOPLE) it is our money and we should say how it gets spent.after ALL veterans are cared for and have a place to live we will see about foreigners who think Christians are to be exterminated.
McConnell sold us out
Every establishment republican needs to be primaried and voted out.
How about ramming in some bills for vets, Social Security, the elderly, childhood disease, disabled, unemployed, breast cancer, brain cancer, the elderly, mental health, prison and prison reform, Shriners and St. Judes hospitals for kids, McDonalds House for parents of terminally ill children, MD, MS, AIDS?HIV, Hepatitus, Poverty, Schools, drug treatment and enforcement, border security airport security, mass transportation, environment issues, Crime, Cerebral Palsy, Foster Children, housing law enforcement, jobs, job training and unemployment, water and air pollution, food banks, clothing for the needy, wildlife and animal rights control, roads, highways and bridges, natural resources energy development, daycare, juvenille courts and services, Court related services, legal aid, job training and tech schools Head Start and meals on wheels for the elderly, school breakfasts and lunches, after schools programs, youth employment and services, autism, Altzheimer and Parkinson’s diseases, Heart disease, COPD, Asthma, speech, language, hearing research, epilepsy, alcoholism, drug disease auto safety, birth defects, brain and spinal chord research and services. diabetes, TB, Lung Disease, prescription research and price control, food and drug education, research, weather and disaster research and relief, allergies and malaria, prosthetic research and support, domestic violence and child abuse, rape and domestic violence support services, pollution control. Guess the priority is immigration support services for people who don’t even live here. Sorry if I misspoke or bored anybody.