The Obama administration and the Democrat party insist that their efforts to impose gun control on the nation are only designed to protect the public and to take guns out of the hands of criminals and potential terrorists. The reality is much darker.
The effort is really incremental and intends to prohibit gun ownership to anyone not in a government position of power such as a police officer or other government agency. One way to do that is to segment groups one at a time so that they can be disarmed with little fanfare. The “no-fly” list is a good example, in that it is almost impossible to find out why an individual is on the list, and equally impossible to be removed from the list. But if you are on the list, no firearms for you!
There are various groups that are now targeted, and Obama’s recent mandate sought to recruit family members and friends to “rat out” individuals they want to have disarmed. That includes ex-spouses with an axe to grind, and others who simply want to harass an individual. The concept is anti-American in that it takes away a right to own a weapon without due process or even a charge of wrong-doing. One of the more insidious schemes is to prevent veterans from owning guns, and it has nothing to do with a threat to society or a criminal history.
See Obama scheme to disarm veterans, page 2:
4 word answer: Because we’re weapons trained.
Veterans are a line of defense and if they are unarmed then Obama will have a better chance to takeover America for one world order
To loosely quote CSM Plumley regarding taking an M16 to Vietnam, I reckon if I need one of those, there’ll be plenty laying around.
That’s such the most DULL-WITTED stated that I’ve ever read and now the world is more stupid cause of it! DOUCHE BAG!
That’s such the most DULL-WITTED stated that I’ve ever read and now the world is more stupid cause of it! DOUCHE BAG!
That’s such the most DULL-WITTED stated that I’ve ever read and now the world is more stupid cause of it! DOUCHE BAG! For law abiding citizens!
Oboma is responsible for it! Impeach this radical Muslim now!
If you support vetrans lets buy them a gun!
According to the Constitution, “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.” (Article I, Section 1)
Notice that it says ALL, not some.
So, why would the senators be wondering how or why the VA did what it did? What they did is patently unconstitutional and they know it. They just want to pussyfoot around the issue.