Senator Ted Cruz is the most hated man in D.C. today. Make no mistake about it. For years we have read and heard Senate republicans squealing that Ted Cruz has ruined their ‘amazing plans.’
According to them, Sen. Ted Cruz has made it harder to highlight Obamacare’s failures because he “fooled the grassroots” into believing that Republicans could stop it.
Ted Cruz drove a wedge between Republicans when they were all really behind former House Speaker John Boehner’s budget fight against President Obama… let that one sink in. Republican actually thought team Boehner/Ryan were going to fight Obama’s budget. That’s what they were selling the American people that week.
Some Republicans tried to invoke the 11th commandment against Ted Cruz because he allegedly helped raise money to dump incumbent fake republicans. Then they called him a “wacko bird” and a “jackass,” showing that even their establishment insults are passe.
See the next page for details about Ted Cruz’s lead in Iowa
too brilliant to act like Liberal trump
plus it was trump who backed off.Cruz would tear him up!
Look at the statistic base, its one little area. Statistics are written to say whatever they want them to say.
Too bad, I am disillusioned in Cruz
It’s wrong don’t worry
I like both of them..
The most hated guy would be rand Paul and Cruz second the media is pushing trump because they are idiots that are bought just like trump said he can buy them all I hate the elitist piece of c**p
That’s home we got obama.