Senator Ted Cruz is the most hated man in D.C. today. Make no mistake about it. For years we have read and heard Senate republicans squealing that Ted Cruz has ruined their ‘amazing plans.’
According to them, Sen. Ted Cruz has made it harder to highlight Obamacare’s failures because he “fooled the grassroots” into believing that Republicans could stop it.
Ted Cruz drove a wedge between Republicans when they were all really behind former House Speaker John Boehner’s budget fight against President Obama… let that one sink in. Republican actually thought team Boehner/Ryan were going to fight Obama’s budget. That’s what they were selling the American people that week.
Some Republicans tried to invoke the 11th commandment against Ted Cruz because he allegedly helped raise money to dump incumbent fake republicans. Then they called him a “wacko bird” and a “jackass,” showing that even their establishment insults are passe.
See the next page for details about Ted Cruz’s lead in Iowa
i do not believe this—just another lie from the man’ s campaign who isn’t even suppos to be running for president. he is a foreigner—born in canada to a father who was from Cuba. NOT A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN——THE CONSTITUTION DOES NOT RECOGNIZE A NATURALIZED CITIZEN TO BE ABLE TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT. wHERE IS cONGRES?
Ridiculous. Trump leads in Iowa and dominates nationally with numbers above Cruz, Rubio and Carson combined.
i,ll believe cruz is ahead when he wins Iowa but not until the.
Mr Haney from Green Acres
Nope. It will be Trump all the way.
They caucas there instead of voting! Means NOTHING.
Don King Cruz campaign run by bankster Goldman Sachs and Ted has ties to CFR. Ted worked with Bush to promote a North American Union which would undermine U.S. sovereignty.