Once a nation’s justice system is determined to have different sets of standards for different groups of people, a repudiation of that justice system is not far behind. Principles like “equal protection under the law” go out the window, and a biting cynicism and even contempt for those government officials who purport to enforce the laws sets in.
Such is the case with so many issues surrounding Hillary Clinton that one scarcely knows where to start. That Hillary has broken numerous laws with impunity is obvious to anyone who cares to look. What is turning this into a national disgrace is the blatant corruption of the legal process that allows her to continue on in her quest to be president while anyone else would be under prosecution.
It’s back to the email scandal and the failure of the FBI to do its job on page two.
She should be locked up for life.
Comey for president!
And just now it’s coming out that the Obama govt. stole billions from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from 2012 on. The tip of the iceberg! They counted on Mrs. Clinton winning to cover up their crimes!
Drain the swamp!
They’ve buried the truth and then they buried the server with the shovel and the FBI was complicit to their crimes! Breathtakingly Outrageous!
and Congress wonders why the American people don’t trust our government
Cynthia Clouatre, let’s go back and investigate the Kennedily
We’ll let’s do something about it! So in some respects I feel like we are still under Obama where nothing gets done
Your full of$#%&!@*..Sessions is full of$#%&!@*..whats sad is to see you guilible and how easily led dowen the trail of fascism you are. Charging political opponents with false crimes that are easily and readily disproved by a 1st year law student should be the real crime.