Once a nation’s justice system is determined to have different sets of standards for different groups of people, a repudiation of that justice system is not far behind. Principles like “equal protection under the law” go out the window, and a biting cynicism and even contempt for those government officials who purport to enforce the laws sets in.
Such is the case with so many issues surrounding Hillary Clinton that one scarcely knows where to start. That Hillary has broken numerous laws with impunity is obvious to anyone who cares to look. What is turning this into a national disgrace is the blatant corruption of the legal process that allows her to continue on in her quest to be president while anyone else would be under prosecution.
It’s back to the email scandal and the failure of the FBI to do its job on page two.
…drain the swamp!!!
He’s got this
This is one more reason to appoint Trey Goudy
A handfull of divisives trying to rewrite History. Deliberately spewing propaganda against the very people who brought about the freedoms that we faught for and won. Now the Democrats are arcing against the very people who faught for their freedom to choose, because our Constitution is fair and non partisan. Its color blind and it gives people power over Politicians. Voting . Whites and all groups of peoples have suffered at one time or another. We all adjust and must rise above the Bullying and meet the challenges with resposibilty. No people or group of peoples is ” entitled ” to ” handouts…freebees ” ever! Regardless of their grieviances they perceive to be racist or unfair treatment . There is no “You Owe Me “because I disagree to agree with your ideas of fair . Its so dead and impotent to continue this Whine. Sick of it. Democrats should be fined for stonewalling and deliberately refusing to vote for the new Administration’s candidates of the Republican party.
Does not matter the age of a criminal. Do the crime suffer the penalty.
He can’t provide proof of his claim…so he goes silent
Kind of like when Congress subpoenaed Hillary’s emails and then she destroyed 33,000 of them?
The fox (comedy) is in the hen house. He never should’ve recused himself. If we’re going to win anything we have to start playing like Democrats. Dirty. That does it mean illegal like the Democrats. I know if what you did you think was noble you’re full of$#%&!@*because the media and the Democrats still are going to go against everything you do
Hes a crook……. Lol…. The whole cabinet is.
Bunch of white crooks.