Once a nation’s justice system is determined to have different sets of standards for different groups of people, a repudiation of that justice system is not far behind. Principles like “equal protection under the law” go out the window, and a biting cynicism and even contempt for those government officials who purport to enforce the laws sets in.
Such is the case with so many issues surrounding Hillary Clinton that one scarcely knows where to start. That Hillary has broken numerous laws with impunity is obvious to anyone who cares to look. What is turning this into a national disgrace is the blatant corruption of the legal process that allows her to continue on in her quest to be president while anyone else would be under prosecution.
It’s back to the email scandal and the failure of the FBI to do its job on page two.
Pat Helsley Neither does Trump.Maybe he’ll learn as he goes.
Richard Fransman But you’re cool with Trump,right?
Exactly right.Nobody even thought about exposing J.Edgar Hoover because he had dirt on everybody.It’s politics.
Greg Winter Trump will bring down Trump.And when it happens ,you will blame it on Obama or f**e news.No amount of evidence will change your minds.
Jail them all!
Sofia Kogan It’s coming out now.Keep blaming CNN and MSNBC.Wake the$#%&!@*up.
“I don’t know.”That pretty much sums it up.What do you think will be done about all the dirt being turned up on Trump and his chosen?
Learn to spell and then get informed about what’s happening in front of your very eyes.
Patty Pinson Kilgore Right.Trump is flexible with people who don’t do what he wants.Including republicans.
Tad Robinson And you are oblivious.