Although Sen. Jay Rockefeller comes from one of America’s wealthiest families, he still feels he must travel by private charter at $4,400 a pop and bill taxpayers for the trips, all the while he could take a $206 commercial flight.
He also feels he must charge taxpayers for amounts as little as $12.75 while he is “in and around Charleston.”
His estimated net worth is $100 million and he lives in a $18 million dollar home that has 11 bathrooms on one floor alone.
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Typical liberal ! Do as I say not as I do!
Why do think he’s a rich bitch
He did nothing when he was governor n less as senator
how about using his own money.
I manage a oil field company & pay for ever other tank of fuel to help it run as cheap as it can to maintain a low cost operation. Our leaders care nothing about the future of America !!!
This is the way of our political system. Get in office and F the taxpayers. How about Michelle spending 50 Grand of the taxpayers money on Bras and panties. This will never stop. It’s funny to me when they vote no on a minimum wage increase for the American people. We can change this by making them accountable. Don’t vote for them.
What a POS he is and damned near all of the politicians now days are the same way, not all of them but alot of them.
Fire all professional politicians and replace them with statesmen and patriots and give term limits on all positions including Supreme Court judges.
We have been subjected to a terrible injustice in our nation. Running on a war weary nation, you and I were promised to see an end to two wars. No one wants to see our military service men and women subjected to fulfill those roles to protect our nation and the freedoms of others. We believed that this promise would be accomplished with a mission to end when it was ready and responsibly. This turned out to be a grave mistake that created a massive location for terrorists to grow and gain support that has overtaken Syria, led back into Iraq that no has a RELIGOUS war against Christians. Our current leadership has failed you and I in every way and proven that even further by openly stating we have no plans to take on this threat. ( SEEN HERE: )At the same time our once timid ally has become the aggressor once again and invading a nation that broke away from the Bear’s collapse after the Berlin wall fell and the cold war ended. The Ukraine is a free democratic nation that is being overrun by bullies. Our leadership is failing us again and our nations promise to defend freedom wherever it is in this world. We now see the “flexibility ” that Obama promised to Russia that was captured on an open mic. (
We see social media being used to wage a war against the west and our way of life. President Bush warned that there would be a long fight ahead for all terrorist organizations and the governments that harbor and support them ( ).
This is not whether you like President Bush or if you support President Obama. This is a clear definition of leadership in a crisis and the lack there of in our current administration. So lets ask ourselves some very tough questions.
Are we tired of war?
Are we tired of seeing our own citizens gone for months and years at a time fighting these wars?
Are we tired of seeing these monsters torture and kill innocent people and wage a religious war against Christians or any other religion?
Aren’t we tired of seeing President Obama play golf when he should be leading efforts of international support and creating measures to fight these Terrorists?
Are we ourselves a perfect country without our own problems of race and equality?
We have Freedom to express ourselves and live with civility in most cases. The ones who do not are criminals and do not obey the laws created to institute fairness and order. While there are still many areas we can improve on we continue to strive to do better and that sets us apart from the criminals, the extremists, the terrorists, and the monsters who commit these acts. We voice our opinions through conversation, arguments, legal proceedings and activism or peaceful protests and demonstrations. These people in the grip of ISIS or any other terror group and supporting governments do not have those options and are viciously attacked, maimed, tortured, and murdered.
Do you wish to see these type of attacks in our nation?
Then the answer is clear whether we like it or not, we must take action to end all TERRORISTS and EXTREMEISTS so that violence and senseless attacks NEVER happen within our borders.
Wake up America, we need to do something. Our elected leader doesn’t have the spine to do the right thing after all the years of failures from Benghazi, the IRS, Fast and Furious, Iraq, Syria, and now ISIS……
We need a new leader…