Although Sen. Jay Rockefeller comes from one of America’s wealthiest families, he still feels he must travel by private charter at $4,400 a pop and bill taxpayers for the trips, all the while he could take a $206 commercial flight.
He also feels he must charge taxpayers for amounts as little as $12.75 while he is “in and around Charleston.”
His estimated net worth is $100 million and he lives in a $18 million dollar home that has 11 bathrooms on one floor alone.
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His family is part of the world elite banksters. Rockefellers, Rothchilds, JP Morgan, Bilderbergs, and I believe Carnegies.
this is exactly the type of facts that need to be used against the income equity Demo liars.
Vote him out…nope. Elections are bought. Drag him out!
Here, we see him describing the size of his penis…
He has to be a Democrat!
nauseating man
They all have a false reality on our dime , while we struggle they only care about themselves and what’s best for the “elite” buddies
Entitlement at its finest. It exists on both ends of the spectrum.