Although Sen. Jay Rockefeller comes from one of America’s wealthiest families, he still feels he must travel by private charter at $4,400 a pop and bill taxpayers for the trips, all the while he could take a $206 commercial flight.
He also feels he must charge taxpayers for amounts as little as $12.75 while he is βin and around Charleston.β
His estimated net worth is $100 million and he lives in a $18 million dollar home that has 11 bathrooms on one floor alone.
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Anndree’ is correct, and if you really study this family, forget about all the so called good and wonderful they supposedly brought this country, the nasty awful stuff that we still face everyday here is criminal and evil. Look them up for yourself, it is astonishing.
U need to go chump
Rockefeller was born with a silver spoon up his ass…..this clown wanted to suspend the first amendment, but only for us “little people”..
He’s a PIECE of S___ like the rest of D C except for a few.
Free loader
we need to get him out of DC!!! π
Voters, vote him out!
I didn’t and wouldn’t vote for him ever —- who did that’s the question