Although Sen. Jay Rockefeller comes from one of America’s wealthiest families, he still feels he must travel by private charter at $4,400 a pop and bill taxpayers for the trips, all the while he could take a $206 commercial flight.
He also feels he must charge taxpayers for amounts as little as $12.75 while he is “in and around Charleston.”
His estimated net worth is $100 million and he lives in a $18 million dollar home that has 11 bathrooms on one floor alone.
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Vote him out
It may have more to do with being one of the ELITES WHO RULE the nation than being a Democrat.
A person who claims to hate rich people would switch places with one in a heart beat !!!!!!!!!!!
YEAH his fingers showing small really shows how small he is 100,000,000 and this $#%&!@* can’t even pay his own way we as just plain people need to dumb these money hungry dip $#%&!@*s like years ago we make millionaires out of these $#%&!@*s some have millions that was handed to them people like a Rockefeller have no idea what it means to heve to do an honest days work for minimum wage or even a higherwage of only 20.00$ an hour that my friends is the problem in our government thay make way to much money plus they have way to many benifits and when they see all the riches this country has to offer they become greedy and think they are abovethe law of this land its time to make over this government and pull the rains inand take the dam country back and put it back into the hands of thepeople if i had my way our military would have thrown this administration out.This has never happened lets write history as it is plain congress is out of touch and are to daam slow to ever get anything real done useless useless useless and these fools get 172.00$ per hour this is unreal for what they do and so far with Obama they have done nothing accept a law suit big deal what would be the point of that it is nothing but a waste of taxpayer money and a waste of time and allows this clown to stay in his seat and continue to bring America to her knees.So I ask you what good is a congress that achieves nothing but passing more stupid laws
Way too much corruption and perks in our government. Weed out the entitlement mentality.
These are the parasites feeding off of US…
Why do you think the rich stay rich…same reason that welfare recipients can afford cell phones and spinners on gas-guzzling SUVs…
I don’t have a problem with the wealthy, as it is wealthy people that employ us, but not right to carry it this far.
Shame in you. Disgusting!
Wait & see!…
I hope some thug walks up on him and lays his guts open and leaves him to die slowly