Although Sen. Jay Rockefeller comes from one of America’s wealthiest families, he still feels he must travel by private charter at $4,400 a pop and bill taxpayers for the trips, all the while he could take a $206 commercial flight.
He also feels he must charge taxpayers for amounts as little as $12.75 while he is “in and around Charleston.”
His estimated net worth is $100 million and he lives in a $18 million dollar home that has 11 bathrooms on one floor alone.
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This bastard hates America, and has said so publicly. He’s a member of the Bilderburg group and wants one world government. The worst kind of liberal $#%&!@*s.
His whole family is globalists and have no qualms about screwing over Americans at every opportunity. NO RICH PERSON SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO HOLD PUBLIC OFFICE PERIOD!
Wealthy elite. Vote against all democrats this November
They have always said how much is enough and the Rockefellers always say Just a little bit more! This doesn’t surprise me but what does is that it is allowed by everyone kick him out!
also he stated he was a communist.
He’s afraid he might get ebola like the rest of us. What a piece of work.
A bullet would solve that problem…They need to be made aware that they are not 10 ft tall nor bulletproof. They pull their pants on like every one else!
thats how the bastards stay so rich