Although Sen. Jay Rockefeller comes from one of America’s wealthiest families, he still feels he must travel by private charter at $4,400 a pop and bill taxpayers for the trips, all the while he could take a $206 commercial flight.
He also feels he must charge taxpayers for amounts as little as $12.75 while he is “in and around Charleston.”
His estimated net worth is $100 million and he lives in a $18 million dollar home that has 11 bathrooms on one floor alone.
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another politician hack.. the system is broke beyond repair.. like an old dying forest it must be burned to the ground so that new growth will flourish
.I hope all West Virginians , vote him out finally!
yet… seniors…get [email protected] when…we get that january…i got a whole $17…a month….& he charges $12 items….we paid into that account..& “they”….borrow from it for such nonsense……..govt-mafia…….
Typical Billionaire Dem. but mention the Koch Bros. giving 100 million to a Hospital and they go on strike….ugh want to scream
Fired lol, really. Gods government, amen, how much will it take for every knee to bow, every tongue to confess Jesus Christ is Lord and to start trying to live like we mean what we say. The Lord sets them in place and takes them down, for His purpose, His glory. Get real with Jesus.
Pay your own way you rotten jerk
gd leach
He’s a P.O.S., that’s why.
Scum of the earth
Won’t take a Penney out of his free 174,000. Dollars for life paid by tax payers. The colossal depression can’t come soon enough.I hope he will be as poor as a Church mouse.