In a news item more fitted for a satirical news site or even Saturday Night Live, a democratic Senator has called for a tax on Americans to pay for the footsie games President Obama has been playing with ISIS.
After a decade of democrats bashing former President Bush for military misadventures and costly combat maneuvers, one has to admire the level of arrogance achieved by the democrat party that they not only want more war but they want their voters and other American’s to foot the bill.
A tax break for the American people would be more appropriate in the face of the embarrassment the Obama administration has brought to American military efforts.
Never has a commander in chief worked so hard to turn Rambo and G.I. Joe into Shaggy and Scooby-Doo.
Despite American forces amazing efforts and sacrifice under the ridiculous rules of engagement foisted upon them, the administration seems to be frustrated into trotting out water carriers in the Senate to float the most atrocious ideas cooked up in today’s White House briefings.
See the next page for the absurdities floated by Democrat Senator Chris Coons
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama modus operandi.
Saul Alinsky died about 43 years ago, but his writings influenced those in political control of our nation today…….
Died: June 12, 1972, Carmel-by-the-Sea, Ca
Education: University of Chicago
Spouse: Irene Alinsky
Books: Rules for Radicals, Reveille for Radicals
Anyone out there think that this stuff isn’t happening today in the U.S.?
All eight rules are currently in play
How to create a social state by Saul Alinsky:
There are eight levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a social state. The first is the most important.
1) Healthcare– Control healthcare and you control the people
2) Poverty – Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.
3) Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
4) Gun Control– Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.
5) Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income)
6) Education – Take control of what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school.
7) Religion – Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools
8) Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.
Does any of this sound like what is happening to the United States ?
Alinsky merely simplified Vladimir Lenin’s original scheme for world conquest by communism, under Russian rule.
Stalin described his converts as “Useful Idiots..”
The Useful Idiots have destroyed every nation in which they have seized power and control.
It is presently happening at an alarming rate in the U.S.
what war on ISIS, the erkel in the office of president will not let the US really hurt them. he is shielding them from the righteous wrath of the people of the US.
Make our congressman and senators and ex presidents live under the same laws and health care that we all do. No more paid for everything for life. Make them go out into the world they helped create and live in it. Just like the rest of us. Make term limits also, no more dinosaurs for life c**p. You’ll see a huge difference and quickly.
This senator has lost his mind, we have enough taxes to pay now.
Some Conservative Review Liberty (Conservative) Scores:
Sen.Lee-100%A-Sen Cruz-97%A
Sen Paul 93%A-Sen Sasse-91%A
SenSchumer 2%F–Sen Reid2%F Senators Feinstein, Murray–Coons-Caine All 0%- big fat Fs
Tax democrats . They started isis
How about thinking real hard and finding another way. We pay enough taxes !!!
Sickening! They have ample money for the things they want to fund!
What a joke! Take the monies that Obama gives Muslim countries, the money given to rebuild mosques, money given to ISIS, money given to planned parenthood, vacation money, and on and on. MONEY BEING WASTED BY OBAMA WOULD EASILY FUND THIS WAR. You and your cohorts need to stop him, not tax us for your cowardness!