In a news item more fitted for a satirical news site or even Saturday Night Live, a democratic Senator has called for a tax on Americans to pay for the footsie games President Obama has been playing with ISIS.
After a decade of democrats bashing former President Bush for military misadventures and costly combat maneuvers, one has to admire the level of arrogance achieved by the democrat party that they not only want more war but they want their voters and other American’s to foot the bill.
A tax break for the American people would be more appropriate in the face of the embarrassment the Obama administration has brought to American military efforts.
Never has a commander in chief worked so hard to turn Rambo and G.I. Joe into Shaggy and Scooby-Doo.
Despite American forces amazing efforts and sacrifice under the ridiculous rules of engagement foisted upon them, the administration seems to be frustrated into trotting out water carriers in the Senate to float the most atrocious ideas cooked up in today’s White House briefings.
See the next page for the absurdities floated by Democrat Senator Chris Coons
How about this: Obama forfiets all pay for his last year in the WH. All vacations, all air force one trips, all trips to Hollywood are done. To ALL members of Congress, all financial favors will go toward paying for was against ISIS. UNLESS YOU THIEVES IN DC ARE WILLING TO PAY YOUR PART SINCE YOU WERE THE ONES WHO BACKED OBAMA FOR 8 YEARS we aren’t paying.
We will take his salary and use it to pay for it he will be banned
Have Obama to quit funding them
He is out of his ever loven mind
CAREFUL! Senator, we taxpayers have just about HAD IT!!
Just check Obummers private will find plenty that I am sure he has tax needed.
Oh and just so you know Tim. Those so called offshore banks you claim rich people hide their wealth to escape taxes. They don’t exist. Those institutions report all holdings and that money is still taxed. Veterans benefits and social security isn’t touched or neglected by republicans. It’s by democrats and before you go off and say that republicans voted down bills to increase vet spending and SS benefits you’re actually lying. You see you forget that they declined to push that bill forward because in that bill was Obama care spending, PP spending, money designated to go to foreign countries and other piggy backed amendments. You see you liberals refuse to acknowledge facts or dismiss those that are important and only use the ones that try and bolster the misguided points you try to make. You bash the rich Tim yet your party the Democrats account for more of the monetary wealth in this country then any republican you can name. The Democrat billionaires who are tied to the world bank. The real threat to freedom and security. You know why the old are starving and the vets aren’t getting their benefits. It’s not because of the rich. It’s because of crooked liberal politicians. You see instead of them putting people back to work, they want a dependent slave class where everyone sucks on the government teet. You know where SS benefits come from. The working man. If there are fewer people working there is less money for SS. Now with the massive amount of illegals entering the country. More then 55 million people out of work and on government assistance our countries finances and resources are strained but you democrats don’t care about that. You say tax the rich. Labor department and CBO reports that if your were to tax the richest people 100% of their wealth you wouldn’t put a dent in debt. We have a spending problem and a people problem. We closed the doors on all immigration between 1928-1964 and assimilated all immigrants in this country and had one of the strongest working forces and middle classes for nearly 30 years after that. You know what happened. Between the late 80s through today illegal immigration exploded. The older generations including immigrants that has been previously assimilated started dying off. Now we have more people not working and more elderly retiring. Now all of those socialist policies are catching up with us and we can’t afford it. So now we are moving toward what happened to greece. So rich bashing isn’t the answer. The elitist are the problem. Forgetting American principles is the problem. If you want American jobs back dissolve the IRS, cut government spending, create an across the board flat tax, reduce the size of government, close the borders, get people back to work, put control back in the hands of states, that’s where you start fixing the problem idiot
That is a Liberal for you! Why tax Americans, we are already taxed to death. Why hasn`t the Democrats passed a budget in the last seven years?? Maybe we should tax the politicians, or just cut their bloated salaries, benefits, and very nice health insurance. That should be more than enough to pay for the non existing war on ISIS, with some money left over. Maybe we should just take ISIS oil fields and sell the oil, that would pay for the pretend war also.