In a news item more fitted for a satirical news site or even Saturday Night Live, a democratic Senator has called for a tax on Americans to pay for the footsie games President Obama has been playing with ISIS.
After a decade of democrats bashing former President Bush for military misadventures and costly combat maneuvers, one has to admire the level of arrogance achieved by the democrat party that they not only want more war but they want their voters and other American’s to foot the bill.
A tax break for the American people would be more appropriate in the face of the embarrassment the Obama administration has brought to American military efforts.
Never has a commander in chief worked so hard to turn Rambo and G.I. Joe into Shaggy and Scooby-Doo.
Despite American forces amazing efforts and sacrifice under the ridiculous rules of engagement foisted upon them, the administration seems to be frustrated into trotting out water carriers in the Senate to float the most atrocious ideas cooked up in today’s White House briefings.
See the next page for the absurdities floated by Democrat Senator Chris Coons
how about we extra tax Obama, the senate congress for NOT DOING THEIR JOB IN PROTECTING US FROM TERRORISTS. Watch how fast they would move if that were the case.
Are you serious? He is not even doing anything but “spot” checks on them once in a while. Wants America to believe he is “fighting” the enemy….NOT!!!!
How about a surtax on establishment politicians for destroying our nation!
Russia is doing that along with France – while Obama keeps our troops from doing the job and does all he can to protect them. Take any money you think we need to fight ISIS out of every congressman’s and Obama’s and all those he has appointed!
screw you…
They are nothing but low life pieces of trash with suits on looking to line their pockets. The american people need to clean washington out
How about cutting Congress’s pay, senates pay, president and Vice Presidents pay, etc. that would probably cover it, but what the Obamas paid for all there vacations would sure put a dent in it
We have been taxed enough to declare war on the world.
We just need Congress and The Senate to get the ISIS/Islamics out of our country and move our troops to aid Israel!
So Hussein can give that money to the enemy..Quit giving money to other countries and letting Hussein spend our money anyway he wants, like millions of dollars on vacations..Without God in our military,,we don’t have a chance..God is bigger than any money..God was with us in the Revolutionary war, the civil war and both WW. We have turned our back on him..Hussein is taking God out of our country..