In a news item more fitted for a satirical news site or even Saturday Night Live, a democratic Senator has called for a tax on Americans to pay for the footsie games President Obama has been playing with ISIS.
After a decade of democrats bashing former President Bush for military misadventures and costly combat maneuvers, one has to admire the level of arrogance achieved by the democrat party that they not only want more war but they want their voters and other American’s to foot the bill.
A tax break for the American people would be more appropriate in the face of the embarrassment the Obama administration has brought to American military efforts.
Never has a commander in chief worked so hard to turn Rambo and G.I. Joe into Shaggy and Scooby-Doo.
Despite American forces amazing efforts and sacrifice under the ridiculous rules of engagement foisted upon them, the administration seems to be frustrated into trotting out water carriers in the Senate to float the most atrocious ideas cooked up in today’s White House briefings.
See the next page for the absurdities floated by Democrat Senator Chris Coons
hell obama is already using using taxpayer money . He is supporting isis . screw you and another tax . we are taxed enough.
Is this guy a moron or what. What the hell does he thinks paying for it now if it isn’t our taxes. Where the hell do they find these people, in some nut house. Not sure where he’s from but i’d bet California the land of the nuts.
So Obama can give them more money!
More taxes so money can further be wasted. Moron… enough taxes. Reduce them and stop wasting the trillions you collect now!
Spread the Word.!! The Muslims are going to take over the Welfare system, and the Black Thugs will eliminate the”radical Muslims”
Hell no!
Why doesn’t the Senate and congress and Obama take a pay cut instead
No NO NO No NO You just 1.3 Trillion two weeks ago. Well, I guess you could just print some more
No, take the money given to the enemy countries.