After seven years of President Obama traversing the globe and apologizing to the Muslim world about everything anti-jihadist, some establishment overlords feel it’s their place to don this blame America first mantle and channel it into the Trump antidote.
Donald Trump as as candidate has taken an admittedly hard line on immigration and makes no bones about it.
The media at large and the Republican Country Club establishment have found their Victorian manners again and are fanning their gasping faces just before they faint.
Some of them take turns admonishing and offering their own democrat-lite fantasy alternatives. Senator Graham is the most slithery of the pack.
Read the next page for Senator Graham’s debate posing
Wussy man! You would definitely not be good presidential material. This country has too many people like you! No spine!
This is the kind of people we need to get rid of and the sooner the better. If he wants to live among Muslims let him move to a Muslim country. I can’t wait for Trump to become President and stop this kind of thing. Senator Lindsey Grahm you should be ashamed of yourself. Are another anti-American?
He needs to go
Apologize for what? The illegals need to go and we do not want any more.
We need to send him to West Coast with his kind of thinking!!!
Kick him the Senator out on the streets!
I’m convinced that he’s gay
He is not quite right
Pack your bags, you are now the new ambassador to iraq